| Table of contents Psic., Saúde & Doenças vol.23 no.1 Lisboa Apr. 2022 Press Release | | | |
Artigos | | | | · Validation of the pandemic fatigue scale and its COVID-19-related predictors Ferreira, Maria; Rodrigues, Joana; Pimenta, Filipa; Patrão, Ivone
| | | | · Correlates of online dependence during the COVID-19 pandemic Borges, Inês; Patrão, Ivone; Leal, Isabel; Costa, Rui Miguel
| | | | · Use of virtual reality in cognitive stimulation in dementia: a case study Lobo, Lídia; Sousa, Andreia; Reis, Magda; Afonso, Rosa Marina
| | | | · Andropause representations: a mixed-methods study with portuguese women Pimenta, Filipa; Ramos, Maria Meireles; Silva, Carolina; Costa, Pedro Alexandre; Queiroz-Garcia, Inês; Marôco, João; Leal, Isabel
| | | | · Successful aging, quality of life and markers of response to physiological stress Souza, Diego; Wosiack, Raquel; Marques, Márcio; Berlese, Daiane; Cunha, Gilson; Santos, Geraldine
| | | | · Spirituality and social support of aged people residents in the community Souza, Érica; Oliveira, Nathalia; Terassi, Marielli; Ottaviani, Ana Carolina; Luchesi, Bruna; Oliveira, Gabriel; Gratão, Aline; Pavarini, Sofia
| | | | · Social support and the gestational experience: an integrative review Almeida, Denise; Silva, Amanda; Batista, Mariana; Nobre, Thaiza; Maia, Eulália
| | | | · The impact of interoceptive awareness on sexual functioning among portuguese women Ribeiro, Celina; Pereira, Henrique
| | | | · Mood and intimate relationship quality: are they independently associated with sexual function? Rodrigues, Inês; Costa, Rui Miguel
| | | | · Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on hemodyalisis healthcare workers Rofino, Rui; Figueiredo, Daniela; Ribeiro, Óscar
| | | | · Binge eating, night eating and obesity: a systematic review Pinheiro, Laís; Melo, Cynthia
| | | | · Spirituality and end of life experience Pais-Ribeiro, José
| | | | · Eating behavior of adolescents with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder during the pandemic Granjo-Morais, Catarina; Pinto-Silva, Regina; Valente-Silva, Débora; Geraldes-Paulino, Sara; Viana, Victor; Guardiano, Micaela
| | | | · National study of health behavior change during COVID-19 pandemic: focus on handwashing” Tomé, Gina; Gaspar, Susana; Gaspar, Tania; Branquinho, Cátia; Marques, Adriano; Guedes, Fábio Botelho; Cerqueira, Ana; Luszczynska, Aleksandra; Matos, Margarida Gaspar de
| | | | · Risky sexual behaviors among university students: relationship with sexual knowledge and attitudes Alves, Regina; Precioso, José; Becoña, Elisardo
| | | | · Social skills and sexual health of adolescents in a border region Corrêa, Rafael; Reis, Marta; Neufeld, Carmem; Almeida, Ana Maria; Matos, Margarida Gaspar de
| | | | · Patterns of alcohol consumption associated with early sexual debut Moraes, Laura; Franca, Carolina da; Valença, Paula; Menezes, Valdenice; Colares, Viviane; Zarzar, Patrícia; Cardoso, Mirian; Tenorio, Maria Cecilia
| | | | · Association between risk behaviors and negative self-perceived health in adolescents Silva, Bruno; Andrade, Priscila; Oliveira, Alison; Lins, Israela; Moraes, Laura; Colares, Viviane; Valença, Paula; Franca, Carolina da
| | | | · Association between bullying and brussels in school teenagers: a pilot study Soares, Laís; Anjos, Raíssa dos; Silva, Taisa; Colares, Viviane; Franca, Carolina da; Menezes, Valdenice; Godoy, Fabiana
| | | | · Subjective happiness scale: validation for portuguese adolescents Freire, Teresa; Teixeira, Ana; Boas, Daniela Vilas
| | | | · Adolescent sexuality in the north and the municipality Vila Nova de Famalicão Reis, Marta; Cerqueira, Ana; Branquinho, Cátia; Guedes, Fábio Botelho; Tomé, Gina; Freitas, Joaquim Castro de; Gaspar, Tania; Matos, Margarida Gaspar de
| | | | · Childhood trauma, avoidance of psychological pain and self-harming behaviors in young adults Arvanas, Catarina; Campos, Rui; Vasques, Ana; Pereira, Alexandra
| | | | · Femininity contribution to pain experience: an exploratory cross-sectional study among undergraduates Kosminsky, Mauricio; Nascimento, Michele; Ribeiro, Maria Izabel; Leão, Jair
| | | | · Healthy workplace ecosystems (EATS): an assessment tool for healthy workplaces Gaspar, Tania; Correia, Manuela; Machado, Maria do Céu; Xavier, Miguel; Guedes, Fábio Botelho; Pais-Ribeiro, José; Matos, Margarida Gaspar de
| | | | · Burnout syndrome in community health agents in São Paulo Buratti, Joyce; Ambrosano, Gláucia; Possobon, Rosana; Cortellazi, Karine; Cunha, Inara; Bulgareli, Jaqueline
| | | | · Effects of shift work on eating behaviour and circadian rhythm Corrêa, Paula; Lucchese, Roselma; Lemos, Moisés; Vera, Ivânia; Silva, Graciele
| | | | · Burnout syndrome in brazilian teachers Ribeiro, Beatriz; Martins, Julia; Dalri, Rita; Robazzi, Maria Lucia; Galdino, Maria Jose; Teston, Elen
| | | | · Virtual reality for driving phobia: cognitions and self-efficacy Matheus, Ivna; Carvalho, Marcele; Nardi, Antonio Egidio; Costa, Rafael
| | | | · Anxiety and stress reactions in blood donors: a pilot study Rondina, Regina; Baleotti, Wilson; Martins, Raul; Máximo, Geiza; Martins, Aline; Bento, Maria Cristina
| | | | · Associations between family functioning, overload and mental health in caregivers Garbelini, Adriana; Santos, Patricia; Côbo, Viviane; Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio
| | | | · Behavior and school reinsertion of acute lymphoid leukemia survivors Campos, Raquel; Garcia, Danielle; Leite, Débora; Gomes, Ediana; Pereira, Hedyanne; Aragão, Laura; Dantas, Mariane; Hazin, Izabel
| | | | · The counseling of hospital development by the high risk manager Wanderley, Herydiane; Freire, Natália; Gomes, Rafael; Souza, Dennis; Faria, Marcelo
| | | | · Narrative review of ruminative thoughts: theoretical and practical aspects Soares, Lizandra; Faro, André
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