| Table of contents Angiol Cir Vasc vol.13 no.4 Lisboa Dec. 2017 Press Release | | | |
Página do Presidente | | | | | | | Página do Secretário Geral | | | | | | | Original Articles | | | | · Relationship of venous recanalization with quality of life and severity of the disease in patients with venous ulcer submitted to polidocanol foam sclerotherapy Silveira, Lara Ballaminut da; Araújo, Isadora Isis de Oliveira; Silva, Melissa Andreia de Moraes
| | | | · Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm in the era of endovascular repair: Towards single center validation of two new risk prediction algorithms Coelho, Andreia; Lobo, Miguel; Gouveia, Ricardo; Campos, Jacinta; Augusto, Rita; Coelho, Nuno; Semião, Ana Carolina; Canedo, Alexandra
| | | Case Report | | | | · Planning, evar and followup without contrast in chronic kidney disease Ferreira, Rita Soares; Gonçalves, Frederico Bastos; Quintas, Anita; Abreu, Rodolfo; Camacho, Nelson; Ferreira, Maria Emília; Castro, João Albuquerque e; Capitão, Luís Mota
| | | | · Endovascular exclusion of a ruptured thoracoabdominal aneurysm by “octopus endograft” Ferreira, Rita Soares; Gonçalves, Frederico Bastos; Rodrigues, Gonçalo; Quintas, Anita; Abreu, Rodolfo; Camacho, Nelson; Catarino, Joana; Ferreira, Maria Emília; Castro, João Albuquerquee; Capitão, Luís Mota
| | | | · Thoracic outlet syndrome complicated by double subclavian artery aneurysms: an hybrid approach Castro-Ferreira, Ricardo; Dias, Paulo Gonçalves; Sampaio, Sérgio Moreira; Rolim, Dalila; Teixeira, José Fernando
| | | | · Splenic artery aneurysm: follow up on two cases of endovascular stent graft treatment Coelho, A; Lobo, M.; Nogueira, C.; Brandão, D.; Gouveia, R.; Sousa, P.; Campos, J.; Augusto, R.; Coelho, N.; Canedo, A.
| | | | · Endovascular treatment for totally implantable central venous access device-related superior vena cava syndrome: case report Borges, Miguel Fróis; Eiró, Filipa Clara; Afonso, Ana; Rodrigues, Hugo; Gonzalez, António; Marques, Gil; Barbas, Maria José
| | | | · Desmoplastic fibroblastomaentrapping brachialartery: aunique casereport Coelho, Henriques; Meira, J.; Martins, V.; Campos, J.; Coelho, A.; Augusto, R.; Semião, C.; Pinto, E.; Canedo, Alexandra
| | | Review Article | | | | · Preoperative mortality scores in ruptured aneurysms: bibliographic review Oliveira-Pinto, José; Carneiro, Inês; Sousa, Joel; Sampaio, Sérgio; Mansilha, Armando
| | | | · Stroke in patients with tandem lesions: what is the clinical significance and safety of emergent revascularization of the extracranial internal carotid artery Coelho, Andreia; Lobo, Miguel; Gouveia, Ricardo; Silveira, Diogo; Campos, Jacinta; Augusto, Rita; Coelho, Nuno; Semião, Ana Carolina; Pinto, Evelise; Canedo, Alexandra
| | | Case Report | | | | · Catheter malposition in dextrocardia with situs solitus Carvalho, Nuno
| | | Vascular Images | | | | · Diabetic foot: the diagnostic power of the radiological imaging Pereira, Eva Campos; Ferreira, Joana; Carrilho, Celso; Braga, Sandrina; Simões, João Correia; Longras, Catarina; Brito, Diana; Marta, Ricardo; Mesquita, Amílcar
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