Editorial |
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Artigos |
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| · Environmental licensing and sustainable development: possible integrations for specific territories in Brazilian Amazon Chagas, Marco; Vasconcelos, Elizeu
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| · Socio-environmental indicators as tools for river land management: Rolim de Moura do Guaporé-RO community Cota, Thalitta; Silva, Fabricia; Gonçalves, Ana; Lima, Danstin; Caramello, Nubia
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| · The urban cadastre in Brazil: history and evolution Cunha, Eglaisa; Oliveira, Francisco; Julião, Rui; Carneiro, Andrea
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| · The global change impacts on forest natural resources in Central Rif Mountains in northern Morocco: extensive exploration and planning perspective El Motaki, Hanifa; El-Fengour, Abdelhak; El Bouzidi, Aissa; Madureira, Helena; Monteiro, Ana
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| · Social allocation of plus values in urban planning : the new land policy law in Portugal Guinote, José
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| · Brazilian rural Amazon: sociodemographic aspects Lobão, Mário
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| · Analysis of intensity and hourly evolution of the heat and dry islands in a tropical environment, Brazil Moreira, Janaína; Amorim, Margarete; García, Felipe
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| · Sociocultural sustainability in the multicultural and historical urban landscape in Mouraria neighbourhood, Lisbon Moya, Ana
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| · Urbanity in the forest: appropriation of the river by the occupation morphologies of the Amazon Pinho, Giselle; Monteiro, Evandro; Pina, Sílvia
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| · Vegetal Cover Index and Green View Index: indicators of urban environmental quality Santos, Gleici; Nucci, João
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