Editorial |
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| · Investigação Qualitativa: desafios contemporâneos no campo metodológico da saúde Fornari, Lucimara; Fernandes de Synthia, Ellen; Oliveira, Cleoneide; Faria Mónica, Brígida; Ribeiro, Jaime; Ribeiro de Fátima, Elza
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Original Articles |
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| · Action Research as Method for Build an Instrument for the Nursing Consultation to Children Zanatta, Elisangela Argenta; Hanzen, Ingrid Pujol; Siega, Cheila Karei; Portaluppi, Dara Montag; Zocche, Denise Antunes de Azambuja
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| · Health Education Related to Sexuality and Sexually Transmitted Infections: an Integrative Review Rossi, Letícia Farto de; Mazzetto, Fernanda Moerbeck Cardoso; Rezende, Kátia Terezinha Alves; Marin, Maria José Sanches; de Oliveira Nardo, Luciana Rocha
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| · Focus Group with Multiprofessional Residents in the Context of the Pandemic COVID-19: Experience Report. Cardoni, Nádia Cristina; Chirelli, Mara Quaglio; Pio, Danielle Abdel Massih
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| · Covid-19, Lockdown and Telecommuting: A Qualitative Study of the Psychological Impact and Adaptation in Two Emergency States Pires, Mónica; Fonseca, Carlos; João, Raquel; Santos, Maria
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| · Learning to Use Evidence in the Nursing Degree Course: Results of a Focus Group Ferreira, Óscar Ramos; Baixinho, Cristina Lavareda; Medeiros, Marcelo; Fernandes de Oliveira, Ellen Synthia
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| · Violated Childhood: Study of Reports Published in the Press about the Girl Victim of Rape and the Consequent Legal Abortion Egry, Emiko Yoshikawa; Fornari, Lucimara Fabiana; Serpa da Fonseca, Rosa Maria Godoy; Borges, William Dias; Elias, Ana Rosa Ribeiro; Oliveira, Maria Amélia de Campos
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| · Analysis of Journalistic Discourses about the Act 13.840 and the Changes in Drug Policy Montenegro, Yuri Fontenelle Lima; Brilhante, Aline Veras Morais; Brasil, Christina César Praça
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| · Perception of Quality of Life in Women Survivors of Extreme Maternal Morbidity in a Colombian City Narváez, Natalia Chávez; Acosta-Ramírez, Naydú
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| · Analysis of the Process of Care in Primary Attention: Shifting the I Worker Look Marandola, Thalita da Rocha; Marandola, Célia Maria da Rocha; Camargo de Lima, Josiane Vivian; de Oliveira, Katia Santos; Bortoletto, Maira Sayuri Sakay; Melchior, Regina
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| · Analysis of the Beliefs Manifested by Individuals on Facebook in Face of COVID-19 Fernandes, Sheyla; Nascimento, Marcikele; Chagas, Jennyfer; Angelo, Jasielle; Rocha, Anna; Sousa, Vagner
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| · Educational Interventions for Nursing Homes Support Workers During the Pandemic: an Integrative Review Sousa, Diana; Pinto, Joana; Faria, José; Pereira, Isabel; Henriques, Adriana; Rafael Henriques, Helga
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| · The Dark World of Women Victims of Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of Police Reports Souza, Aline Pereira de; Sanches Marin, Maria José; Rodrigues, Paula Sales
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| · Nurse Case Manager in the Promotion and Prevention of Domestic Violence - Integrative Review Carmona, Ana Paula Reis; Quaresma, Maria da Graça; Lucas, Pedro
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| · Qualitative Research in the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Experience with Men and the Theme of Domestic Violence Abadio de Oliveira, Wanderlei; Magrin, Juliana Cristina; Carvalho, Julia Maria Terossi
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| · The Nursing Student in Clinical Learning: Qualitative Study of the Decision Making Typology Mendes, Fátima; Pinheiro José, Maria; Vinheira, Patricia
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| · Social Representations of Puerperal Women about the Search for Prenatal Care on the French-Brazilian Border Mendes, Lise Maria Carvalho; Sudré, Graciano Almeida; Oliveira, Jordânia Vieira; Barbosa, Nayara Gonçalves; Monteiro, Juliana Cristina dos Santos; Gomes-Sponholz, Flavia Azevedo
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| · Advanced Nursing - Conceptualization trough Focus Groups Henriques, Carolina; Santos, Paulo; Frade, João
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| · Nursing Practice Environment in a Hospital Context: Integrative Review Anunciada, Sara; Lucas, Pedro
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| · Speech Therapy Health Education Strategy for the Elderly: An Experience Report Barbosa, Priscilla Mayara Estrela; Porto, Andréa Cintia Laurindo; Queiroz, Moisés Andrade dos Santos de; Cabral, Cláudia Belém Moura; de Sousa, Rachel Cassiano; Brasil, Christina César Praça
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| · Efficacy of Rehabilitation on Mobility, Prevention and Reduction of the Fall’s Risk in Parkinson's Patients Loureiro, Ricardo; Martins, Rosa; Bernardo, Joana; Batista, Susana
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| · Assessment and Teaching in the Postgraduate Course in Health Education, Different Moments of the Same Process: A Case Study Vasconcelos, Maria Viviane Lisboa de; Freire, Cynthia de Jesus; Auto, Bruna de Sá Duarte; Vieira, Silmara Santos; Maciel, Tiago Perez Leitão; Pedrosa, Célia Maria Silva
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| · What Do You Know Who Cares About Me? - Cape-Verdean Women's Health Characteristics and Needs Henriques, Carolina; Santos, Paulo; Frade, João
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| · Risk of Skeletal Muscle Injury in Nurses: Contributions of Photovoice Presado, Maria Helena; Sousa, Armando David; Baixinho, Cristina Lavareda; Mineiro, Ana Leonor; Marques, Fátima Mendes; Cardoso, Mário; Nascimento, Tiago
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| · Therapeutic Itinerary and Social Vulnerability in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease Vilela, Rosana Brandão; Caldas, Lorena Cardoso; Santos, Brunna Correia; Almeida, Alexia Carneiro de; Silva, Maria Alexsandra; Santos, Sidney José
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| · Assessment in Problem-Based Learning (PBL): Reflections on the Process Cardoso, Fabrício Luz; Franco da Rocha Tonhom, Sílvia; Galbiatti, José Antonio; Chirelli, Mara Quaglio
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| · Theoretical-Practical Articulation in the Training of Nurses Peres, Cássia Regina Fernandes Biffe; Tonhom, Sílvia Franco da Rocha; Otani, Márcia Aparecida Padovan; Biffe, Carina Rejane Fernandes; Marin, Maria José Sanches
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| · Team Meeting of a Pediatric Inpatient Unit: Meaning and Understanding of Professionals and Managers Pereira, Aquiles Dacêncio; Pio, Danielle Abdel Massih; Nonato, Ana Carolina; Tonhom, Silvia Franco da Rocha; Santos, Ione Ferreira; Correa, Maria Elizabeth da Silva Hernandes
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| · Policies and Programs to Tackle Domestic Violence Against Children: Something New in the COVID-19 Pandemic? Shimabukuro, Letícia Harumi; Sakata-So, Karen Namie; Fornari, Lucimara Fabiana; Egry, Emiko Yoshikawa
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| · Understandings and Misunderstandings about the Offer and Absence of Complementary Therapies by Managers in Primary Health Care Silva, Pedro Henrique Brito da; de Barros, Leylaine Christina Nunes; Zambelli, Janaína da Câmara; Barros, Nelson Filice de; Oliveira, Ellen Synthia Fernandes de
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| · Prevention and Intervention of Alcohol Dependence to the Elderly in Primary Health Care: An Integrative Literature Review Destro, José Stéfano Faia; Higa, Elza de Fátima Ribeiro; Otani, Márcia Aparecida Padovan; Marin, Maria José Sanches; Medeiros, Rodolfo de Oliveira; Nascimento, Jaqueline Dias do
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| · Potentialities of webQDA® for Qualitative Analysis Barriers Faced by Nurses Working in Basic Health Units Nascimento, Alexandra Bulgarelli do; Maeda, Sayuri Tanaka; Egry, Emiko Yoshikawa
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| · The Impact of Humanized Children on Parturients in a Public Hospital Alves, Bárbara Silva; Côrtes, Luciana Segurado; Caetano, Isabela Ferreira; Dusi, Natalie Ribeiro de Toledo Camargo; Miranda, Ana Carolina Gonçalves de; Alves, Vitória Silva
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| · Videos about Covid-19 for People with Disabilities: Contributions of the analysis in the light of the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning Costa, Milena Silva; Maia, Evanira Rodrigues; Moreira, Maria Rosilene Cândido; Farias, Andreia Chaves; Oliveira, Joseph Dimas de; Pinto, Antonio Germane Alves
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| · Well-Being in Institutionalized Aging People During the Pandemic: An Integrative Review Henriques, Helga Rafael; Nascimento, Tiago; Costa, Andreia; Durão, Cândida; Guerreiro, Mara Pereira; Baixinho, Cristina
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| · Reflections on Playing as a Promoter of the Integral Development of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder Queiroz, Francisca Francisete de Sousa Nunes; Brasil, Christina César Praça; Brasileiro, Fabiana Neiva Veloso; Gabler, Felícia; Lima, Erick Tomé de; Filho, José Eurico de Vasconcelos
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| · Qualitative Analysis of the Municipal Health Plan of Sao Paulo, Brazil -With the Support of the webQDA® Software Nascimento, Alexandra Bulgarelli
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| · The Role of Interprofessional Education in the Process of Reorientation of Health Training de Moura Villela, Edlaine Faria; Diniz, Thania Maria; Ferreira, Bruno Rodrigues; Rocha, Maria Gisélia da Silva; Garcia, Leilineia Pereira Ramos de Rezende; Zanuzzi, Tamara Rodrigues Lima
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| · Perceptions of School Teenagers on Health and the Environment for Sustainable Practices and Health Promoters Amorim, Sabrina Alaide; Bezerra, Italla Maria; Cavalcante, Edilma Gomes Rocha; Albuquerque, Greyce Alencar; Lopes, Maria do Socorro Vieira
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| · Ethical Research Procedures with Children, Adolescents and Their Families in Situations of Violence: A Necessary Look Riani, Luiza Cesar Costa; Sabino, Fabiano Henrique Oliveira; Gonçalves, Marília; Carlos, Diene Monique
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| · Mapping Nursing Interventions of Acute Kidney Injury: Scoping Review Santos, Ana Luísa Pereira; Novais, Maria Eulália
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| · Nursing Intervention to Person in Critical Situation Facing Family´s Distance in a Pandemic Scenario: Integrative Literature Review Silva, Elisabete; Mendes, Anabela; Antunes, Suse
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| · Competencies required for Managers working in Public/Collective Health Care: Scoping Review Peres, Aida Maris; Zago, Daniele Potrich Lima; Souza, Marli Aparecida Rocha de; Toniolo, Rucieli; Bernardino, Elizabeth; Gomez-Torres, Danelia
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| · Nursing Interventions to Empower the Person in Critical Situation: Integrative Literature Review Antunes, Suse; Mendes, Anabela; Silva, Elisabete
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| · Content Analysis Using Webqda in the Study of Risk Communication During COVID-19: The Case of New Zealand Martínez, Henny Luz Heredia; Artmann, Elizabeth
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| · The Use of Smart Speakers in Disability: A Scoping Review Tavares, Rafael; Sousa, Helena; Ribeiro, Jaime
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| · The Influence of Vocational Training on the Development of Integrality on Physical Rehabilitation Boscateli, Paula Carolina de Castro; Higa, Elza de Fátima Ribeiro; Passos, Antônio Henrique Rodrigues dos; Marin, Maria José Sanches; Silva, Luís Carlos Paula e
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| · Protocols for the Management of Acute Soft Tissue Injury: Integrative Review Alexandre, Bruno Venâncio; Baixinho, Cristina Lavareda; do Céu Sá, Maria
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| · Perception of the Social Support Received after the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: The Experience Two years after the Diagnosis Torralba-Martínez, Elena; Codern-Bové, Núria
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| · Qualitative research: The creation of the Nursing Degree in Spain (1915). Domínguez-Isabel, Patricia; Soto-Fernandez, Irene; Dios-Aguado, Maria Mercedes De; Torres-Alaminos, María Angustias; Martínez, María Eva Moncunill; Gurrutxaga, María Idoia Ugarte
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| · Resilience as a Protective Factor for Informal Caregivers in Caregiving: A Systematic Review Soto-Fernández, Irene; Domínguez-Isabel, Patricia; Jerez, Blanca Espina; Reglero, Maria Jesus Bocos; Alaminos, Maria Angustias Torres; Gómez-Cantarino, Sagrario
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| · Building Event History Calendar Domains: Methodological Elements of Constructivist Grounded Theory Santos, Jaqueline Silva; Hilário, Jeniffer Stephanie Marques; Andrade, Raquel Dully; Mello, Débora Falleiros de
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| · Caring for Pregnant Women with Cancer: Strategies of Obstetric Nurses in a Qualitative Approach Venâncio, Catarina; Presado, Maria Helena
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| · The influence of clown art on the academic training of health professionals Almeida, Fabiane de Amorim; Louro, Caroline Ribeiro
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| · Proposing a Technological Tool for Communication between Nurses and Patients in Oncology Almeida, Fabiane de Amorim; Vieira, Mahyra Medeiros
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| · Dialogues on the Construction of Therapeutic Itineraries by People Who Experience Leprosy Tajra, Fábio Solon; Lima, Guilherme de Sousa; Vieira, Eduardo Roesener; Moura, Camila Maria Coelho de; Campelo, Viriato
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| · Occurrence of Medication Administration Errors - Integrative Review Samico, Célia Sofia Barreiros; Henriques, Adriana; Lucas, Pedro
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| · Qualitative analysis mediated by IRaMuTeQ software: Experiences of yesterday and today in the Brazilian Unified Health System Amaral-Rosa, Marcelo Prado; Candaten, Angela Enderle
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| · Mother’s Perception of Autistic Children on Isolation Motivated by the Pandemic of Covid-19 Filgueira, Leila Maria de Andrade; Brilhante, Aline Veras Morais
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| · Auriculotherapy as an Integrative Therapy in the Promotion of Mental Health of Users of Primary Health Care: A Study of Mixed Methods Cunha, José Henrique da Silva; Pires, Franciele Kavafara; Aragão, Francisca Bruna Arruda; Fiorati, Regina Célia
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| · Nurses’ performance in the management of hospital beds in the perception of nursing professionals Souza, Carla; Sampaio Adriane, Lays; Mesquita, Elisabete; Donato Bernarda, Leila
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| · Habitual Risk and High Risk Prenatal: A Qualitative Study on Women's Perceptions Cangiani Regina, Marcia; Claro de, Jamile; Wernet, Monika; Felisberto de, Bruna; dos Reis, Andrea; Gracélia Aparecida, Maria
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| · Learning to Work in Collaboration with Women Living on a Low-income in Kingston, Ontario, Canada: A Participatory Action Research Project Camargo-Plazas, Pilar; Waite, Jennifer; Whitfield, Martha; Duhn, Lenora
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| · Conducting Research in the Time of COVID-19: Re-visioning a PAR Project about Diabetes Self-management Education for Seniors in Rural Ontario, Canada Camargo-Plazas, Pilar; G., Idevania; Pare, Genevieve; Alvarado, Beatriz; Duhn, Lenora
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| · Methodological Path Supported by Software for Mapping Qualitative Indicators for Best Health Practices for the Homeless Population Fornari Fabiana, Lucimara; Yoshikawa, Emiko; Hino, Paula; Santana, Carmen; Oliveira, Elda
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| · Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on vulnerable groups through the gaze of nursing students: an educational project with Photovoice Andina, Elena; Siles, José; Serrano, Néstor; Welch, Lindsay; del Blanco, Gema; Solano, MCarmen
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| · Nurses in the Qualitative Evaluation of the Short Film “Nossas Histórias” about Disclosing the HIV Condition to the Child de Moura, Renata; Evangelista, Ivone
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| · Stork Network in the View of Pregnant and Professionals: Use of Focus Group and Interview Aparecida, Vanessa; Quaglio, Mara; Alves Terezinha, Kátia; Franco, Silvia; Aparecida, Luzmarina; Neves, Edinalva
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| · Reasons for the Frequent Use of the Emergency Service by the Elderly in the Context of a Family Health Unit Gomes Delfina, Idalina; Seara, Alexandra
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| · Content Analysis of Nursing Integumentary Diagnoses and Interventions: Firsts Step Towards a Wound Healing Information Model Gomes, João; Sousa, Paulino; Pereira, Filipe; Bastos, Fernanda; Prata Paula, Ana; Silva, Catarina
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| · Social Inclusion of Persons with Vision Disability: A Qualitative Systematic Review Calle, Ana; López, Amparito; Campillay, Maggie
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| · Triangulation of Methods: A Path for the Evaluation of Permanent Education Projects in Health Apolinário, Gilmara; Azevedo dos, Marta; Freitas Roberta, Caroline; Araújo de, Neilton; Cezari José, Eduardo; Alencar Keilla, Danielle
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| · Boundaries between Health and Disease for People Living with Chronic Disease Sá do Céu, Maria; Nabais Sofia, Ana
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| · The Adaptation Experience of Mothers of Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy: A Qualitative Study Mimoso, Inês; Sotero, Luciana; Cunha Isabel, Ana; Queiroz, Juliana
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| · Reproductive Capabilities of Women with Congenital Malformation of the Reproductive System: A Diffractive Reading through Karen Barad’s Agential Realism de Camargo, Caynnã; Ferreira, Virgínia
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| · The Culture of Patient Safety in Nursing Homes Resende, José; Quaresma, Graça; Lucas, Pedro
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| · What does sexuality mean? A qualitative study Castro, Rita
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| · Focus group as teaching strategy in Medical Residency Côrtes, Luciana Segurado; Costa, Ana Maria; Cunha, Antonio Carlos Rodrigues da; Côrtes, Letícia Segurado
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| · Nurses Perception of the Characteristics of an Age-Friendly Primary Health Care Centres Gomes, Idalina; Cruz, Daniela; Almeida, Isabel
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| · Analysis of the Emancipatory Discourse on Adolescents with Special Health Needs Silveira, Andressa da; Neves, Eliane Tatsch
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| · Perception of Portuguese Midwives on the Contraceptive Decision-Making of Women, after Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy: Contribution of a Focus Group Palma, Sara; Presado, Maria Helena; Ayres-de-Campos, Diogo
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| · Lexical Frequency Content Analysis: The Quantitative Delimiting the Qualitative in the Comparison of the Discourses on the Pathway for Oral Cancer Carnut, Leonardo; Gondinho, Brunna Verna Castro; Zilbovicius, Celso; Lopes, Tarsila Teixeira Vilhena; Bulgareli, Jaqueline Vilela
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| · Stork Network: View of Pregnant Women and Health Professionals about its Operation Lima, Flávia Vernaschi; Tonhom, Sílvia F. Rocha; Chirelli, Mara Q.; Rezende, Kátia T. Alves; Peres, Cássia R. F. Biffe
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| · The Researcher and the Experience of Training the Biologist as a Health Professional Porto, Valberto Barbosa; Ávila, Maria Marlene Marques
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| · Physiotherapist Practice in Primary Care: An Integrative Review Marreto, Rafaela Bresciani; Alves, Katia Terezinha; Chirelli, Mara Quaglio; Plassa, Brunha; Biffe, Cássia Regina Fernandes; Tonhom, Silvia
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| · Migratory Movements in Childhood: An Analysis in Light of the Bioecological Theory Schuler, Flávia de Maria Gomes; Schuler, Emily; Dias, Cristina Maria de Souza Brito
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| · The Teaching Work in the Course Nursing Technician in an Etec Lauriano, Mariana; Rezende, Kátia Teresinha Alves; Tonhom, Silvia Franco da Rocha; Santos, Ione Ferreira; Souza, Aline Pereria de
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| · Psychoanalytic Informed Qualitative Research: Theoretical Methodological Contributions Roberto, Sandra; Rosado, Filipa Falcão; Santos, Orlando Cruz; Pote, Luís Martins; Neves, Teresa Santos
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| · Factors that Facilitate and Difficult the Permanent Health Education Activity Moraes, Rafael Silvério de; Moraes, Magali Aparecida Alves de; Higa, Elza de Fátima Ribeiro; Lazarini, Carlos Alberto; Pinto, Adriana Avanzi Marques
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| · Systematization of Health Care: An Interview with Nurses from Primary Health Care Silva, Ana Carolina dos Santos da; Chirelli, Mara Quaglio; Rezende, Kátia Terezinha Alves; Tonhom, Silvia Franco da Rocha; Peres, Cássia Regina Fernandes Biffe; Abdel Massih Pio, Danielle
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| · Deployment and Implementation of Apice On: Conception of Health Professionals Santos, Maryelle Peres da Silva; Capelanes, Beatriz Castro Souza; Rezende, Katia Terezinha Alves; Chirelli, Mara Quaglio
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| · Research-Action in the Development of Women’s Health Nursing Consultation Zocche, Denise Antunes de Azambuja; Rosa, Ana Paula da; Zanatta, Elisangela Argenta
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| · Teleconsulting care for health personnel and patients with rheumatoid arthritis, in the health emergency due to covid-19: Qualitative analysis Zambrano, Sandra Milena Hernández; Montañez, Ruth Alexandra Castiblanco; Guerrero, Paula Marcela Avila; Moreno, María Alejandra González; Sacristán, Laura Geraldine Montenegro; Santos-Moreno, Pedro
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| · Maternal Needs and Concerns in Postpartum Period: Systematic Review Rasteiro, Regina; Santos, Eduardo; Coutinho, Emília
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| · Communication in Health Care: Conceptions and Experiences of Nursing Students and Professors Coriolano-Marinus, Maria Wanderleya; Sá, Caio Heinrich Correia de; Lima, Rayanne; Soares, Adelia Karla Falcão
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| · Educational Interactivity to Preserve Development of Preterm Infant: Converging Care Research Freire, Márcia Helena de Souza; Martins, Karoline Petricio; Zagonel, Ivete Palmira Sanson
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| · The construction of the Place of Listening and Place of Speech by a Facilitator of Peacemaking Circles in a Women's Penitentiary Santos, Luiza Rodrigues dos; Alves, Alcione Bastos; Castelar, Marilda
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| · Parental or responsible operations in childcare in intensive care unit Araújo, Claudirene Milagres; Takeshita, Isabela Mie; Gusmão, Carolina Sant’Anna; Oliveira, Letícia Fernandes de; Silveira, Carla de Paula; Jardim, Alessandra Silva Lima
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| · Emotional Skills Development of Health Professionals a Coronary Care Unit Macedo, Ana Paula; Gomes, Lisa; Pereira, Rui; Cainé, João; Martins, Silvana
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| · Construction of Knowledge among Preceptors of Medical Residency in Pediatrics Costa, Jeannette Barros Ribeiro; Austrilino, Lenilda; Medeiros, Mércia Lamenha
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| · The use of Psychiatric Drugs: An Integrative Review Soto, Beatriz; Alves Terezinha, Kátia; Moerbeck, Fernanda; Franco, Sílvia; Rezende, Milena
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| · Guiding Guide for Conducting a Focus Group in Identifying Managerial Skills: Experience Report Leal Andrian, Laura; Henriques Helena, Silvia
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