| Table of contents NTQR vol.18 Oliveira de Azeméis Oct. 2023 Press Release | | | |
Original Articles | | | | · Factors that Contribute to the Increase in the Length of Hospital Stay Cunha, Ingrid Muniz; Mendes, Maria Clara Bueno; Beserra, João Victor Fernandes; Bolognani, Cláudia Vicari; Göttems, Leila Bernarda Donato; Carvalho, Elisabete Mesquita Peres de
| | | | · The Routine Nurse’s role in the Hospital Context: The Multiprofessional Team’s Perception Carvalho, Elisabete Mesquita Peres de; Pereira, Filipi Nazareno da Silva; Brito, Carmen Lúcia Marques de; Muniz, Gracielle Cordeiro; Batista, Cristiane Cândida de Paula
| | | | · Nursing Interventions for Clients with Acute Myocardial Infarction after PCI Pais, Irina; Rosado, João; Cardoso, André; Almeida, Mariana; Neves, Sandra
| | | | · Embracement in Primary Health Care: Perception of Nurses Carvalho, Elisabete Mesquita Peres de; Pires, David Ximenes; Oliveira, Thaísa Massa; Spadoti, Kelen Aparecida; Leite, Joyce Sousa; Silva, Renata Mercêz da
| | | | · Case Study in Public Health Nursing Research Cunha, Carmen
| | | | · The Use of Self-Referenced Interviews in Investigating Occupational Trajectories of Street Food Workers Oliveira, Eveline Nogueira Pinheiro de; Aquino, Cássio Adriano Braz de; Adriano, Lia Silveira
| | | | · Breastfeeding Difficulties Faced by Primiparous Puerpers Santos Júnior, Edson Batista dos; Miranda, Maria Salete Abreu Rocha; Martins, Keila Maria Carvalho; Cavalcante, Viviane Oliveira Mendes; Magalhães, Ana Hirley Rodrigues
| | | | · Perception of the Risk of Covid-19 in Pregnant Nahuas Indigenous in Mexico Martínez, Sandra Grisell Rubio; Flores, Yesica Yolanda Rangel
| | | | · Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy and Social Support: A Systematic Review Study García-Fernández, Rubén; Rodríguez-Llagüerri, Sonia; Presado, Maria Helena; Baixinho, Cristina Lavareda; Martín-Vázquez, Cristian; Liebana-Presa, Cristina
| | | | · Understanding of Elderly Women about Violence Oliveira, Ademara Aparecida de; Marin, Maria José Sanches; Lazarini, Carlos Alberto; Alarcon, Miriam Fernanda Sanches; Moraes, Magali Aparecida Alves de; Higa, Elza de Fátima Ribeiro
| | | | · The Importance of Qualitative Knowledge in Health Education: Experiences in the Brazilian Amazon Scenario Guerra, Lúcia Dias da Silva; Reis, Elaine Cristiny Evangelista dos; Costa, Teógenes Luiz Silva da; Meschede, Marina Smidt Celere
| | | | · Understanding the Feelings of Postpartum Women with a Newborn Diagnosed and Undergoing Treatment for Congenital Syphilis Silva, Raimunda; Herculano, Marta; Feitosa, Fernanda; Brasil, Christina Praça; Carvalho, Waleska; Presado, Maria Helena
| | | | · Perception of Patients with Chronic kidney Disease about the Impacts of Treatment on Professional Activity Cabral, Ana Larissa Teles; Barbosa, Brena Barreto; Adriano, Lia Silveira; Carioca, Ântónio Augusto Ferreira; Junior, Geraldo Bezerra da Silva
| | | | · Gordofobia in the Perception of University Students in the Health Area Falcão, Cristina de Santiago Viana; Barbosa, Brena Barreto; Santos, Débora Cristina Freitas dos; Rodrigues, Vitória Moreira; Catrib, Ana Maria Fontenelle; Carioca, Antonio Augusto Ferreira
| | | | · ApiceOn Project Implementation: Nursing Development and Practice Ibiapino, Juliana Louise da Silva; Chirelli, Mara Quaglio; Rezende, Kátia Terezinha Alves; Marin, Maria José Sanches; Mazzetto, Fernanda Moerbeck Cardoso; Mielo, Márcio
| | | | · Maping of the Social Assistance and Health Network for Pop Rua Service in Salvador (BA) Genonádio, Ananda; Veras, Renata Meira
| | | | · The Emotional Care of Family Members and Caregivers of People with Cancer in the Hospital Almeida, Fabiane de Amorim; Parreira, Livia Helena Della Dea; Lima, Aline de Barros Campanelli; Trovo, Mônica Martins
| | | | · “The Senses of the Wheel”: Group Practices in Qualitative Health Research Assis, Aisllan
| | | | · Development of Care in a comprehensive Perspective: Analysis of the Practice of Phisiotherapists in Primary Health Care Tédde, Claudia; Nonato, Ana Carolina; Medeiros, Rodolfo de Oliveira; Castro, Rosane Michelli de; Higa, Elza de Fátima Ribeiro
| | | | · Early Detection of Warning Signs of Autism in Peuriculture Consultations by Nurses Oliveira, Angelica Ribeiro Pinto de; Moraes, Juliana Rezende Montenegro Medeiros de; Cabral, Ivone Evangelista
| | | | · Experience of Family Companion in Care for Childrens in Hospitals after Bone Marrow Transplantation Moraes, Márcia Wanderley de; Antunes, Rafaela de Volpato Fornél; Silva, Rodrigo Lima da; Malta, Viviane Okama Bertholomeu; Almeida, Fabiane de Amorim
| | | | · Secondary Analysis of Qualitative Data a Valuable Method for Exploring the Adoption of PREP as HIV Preventive Strategy in Colombia Camargo-Plazas, Pilar; Peralta-Ardila, María del Pilar; Mueses, Héctor Fabio; Alvarado-Llano, Beatriz Eugenia; Peñaloza, Sheila Andrea Gómez; Martínez-Cajas, Jorge Luis
| | | | · Systematization of Nursing Care in Aging Rezende, Kátia Terezinha Alves; Santos, Ione Ferreira; Peres, Cassia Regina Fernandes Biffe; Capel, Maria Cristina Martinez
| | | | · Post-Covid-19 Rehabilitation: Perceptions of Users Atributed to the Provision of Services in Primary Health Care Gomes, Haline Rachel Lino; Silva, Pedro Henrique Brito da; Lima, Sandra Cristhyna Rodrigues de; Batista, Sandro Rogério Rodrigues; Oliveira, Ellen Synthia Fernandes de
| | | | · Work, Violence and Mental Health: A Qualitative Study with Women Campos, Ioneide de Oliveira; Magalhâes, Yasmim Bezerra; Marques, Silvia Badim
| | | | · Difficulties in Smoking Cesation: A Netnographic Study Brasil, Christina César Praça; Melo, Juliana Carneiro; Oliveira, Denise Nunes; Nascimento, Fabiana Neiva Veloso; Gomes, Beatriz Vasconcelos Lima; Brasil, Thiago Praça
| | | | · Gender Inequality in Primary Health Care: Na Integrative Review of the Literature Mamedes, Wellington Severino Alves; Machado, Dinair Ferreira; Almeida, Margareth Aparecida Santini de
| | | | · Complementary Therapies, Phycosocial Care and Primary Health Care: Perceptions of Professionals Providing Services Silva, Pedro Henrique Brito da; Ferreira, Shirley Kellen; Oliveira, Ellen Synthia Fernandes de
| | | | · Psychosocial Care for the Homeless Population Souza, Aline Pereira; Vernasque, Juliana Ribeiro da Silva; Rodrigues, Paula Sales; Marin, Maria José Sanches; Rezende, Kátia Terezinha Alves
| | | | · Material and Sterilization Center: Perception of the Nursing Team about their Work and Importance for Patient Safety Gratão, Marcia Simon Sgambatti; Higa, Elza de Fátima Ribeiro; Medeiros, Rodolfo de Oliveira; Moraes, Magali Aparecida Alves de; Lima, Aparecida Bezerra de; Gimenez, Fabiana Veronez Martelato
| | | | · Repercussions of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Child Development: Scoping Review Domingues, Sandra; Figueiredo, Ana Rita; Diogo, Paula
| | | | · Psychological Dimension of Lifesytles in Older Adults in Peru: A Look from the Experiences and Characterization Montoya, Gladys Bernardita León; Chinchayan, María Esther Saavedra
| | | | · Approaches and Methodological Characteristics of Qualitative Studies on Teachers’ Vocal Health: Integrative Review Brasil, Christina César Praça; Matos, Klayne Cunha; Pacífico, Waléria Tomaz; Ramos, Lorena de Almeida; Porto, Andrea Cintia Laurindo; Alegria, Rita Feio da Gama
| | | | · Primary Health Care in the Face of Violence Against Women: Integrative Review Santos, Gabriela Grandino Rodrigues dos; Rezende, Katia T. A.; Santos, Ione Ferreira; Chirelli, Mara Quaglio; Tonhom, Silvia Franco da Rocha; Cardoso, Cristina Peres
| | | | · Community Health Agents in Elderly Care: Singularities and Challenges Brasil, Christina César Praça; Leal, Marla Samara de Carvalho; Oliveira, Ellen Synthia Fernandes de; Silva, Raimunda Magalhães; Capelo, Maria Regina Teixeira Ferreira
| | | | · Experiences of Nursing and Medicine University Students about Violence against the Elderly Vernasque, Juliana Ribeiro da Silva; Santos, Maria Clara de Sousa; Loosli, Ana Laura Lopes; Santiago, Laura Vezali; Rodrigues, Larissa; Marin, Maria José Sanches
| | | | · The use of Elements of Qualitative Research Methodology: A Field Experience in an Urban Occupation in the Brazilian Amazon Region Freitas, Sara Batista de; Almeida, Iana Vitória Dias; Batista, Marilva Linhares; Guerra, Lúcia Dias da Silva
| | | | · Contributions of Postgraduate Training in the Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Injuries: A Focus Group Presado, Maria Helena; Marques, Fátima Mendes; Nascimento, Tiago; Mineiro, Ana Leonor; Cardoso, Mário; Baixinho, Cristina Lavareda
| | | | · Qualitative Research and the Design of Health Interventions Agostinho, Inês; Reis, Neuza; Sousa, Luís; Ferreira, Rogério; Silva, Marcelle Miranda da; Baixinho, Cristina Lavareda
| | | | · Mental Health of the elderly in Times of Covid-19 Rodrigues, Beatriz Gonçalves; Alves, Maria Lizandra Delfino; Gonçalves, Jonas Loiola; Pinheiro, Cleoneide Paulo Oliveira; Silva, Raimunda Magalhães da; Guimarães, José Maria Ximenes
| | | | · Analysis of Beliefs about Binge Eating Behavior from the Theory of Planned Action Fernandes, Sheyla C.S; Marinho, Ana Carolina; Costa, Julio da
| | | | · Confronting Discomfort: An Analysis of the Use of Focus Groups in Sensitive Topics Canuto, Angela; Barbosa, Cecilia; Souza, Guilherme; Palumbo, Rafaella; Otaviano, Arthur
| | | | · Preventing Violence Against Elderly People through Gamification Developed by University Students: Experience Report Vernasque, Juliana Ribeiro da Silva; Murgo, Rafael Nascimento; Lima Neto, Eliseu da Silva; Falarino, Carolina Silva; Gimenez, Fabiana Veronez Martelato; Marin, Maria José Sanches
| | | | · The Patients with a Hip Fracture - The Intervention of the Rehabilitation Nurse in the Prevention of its Functional Decline Antunes, Telma; Sá, Maria do Céu; Nabais, Ana
| | | | · Perioperative Care of the Patients Undergoing Hip Arthroplasty - A Rapid Review of Benefits of Rehabilitation Nursing Nabais, Ana; Cardoso, Tiago; Santos, Alexandre; Marques, Vanda; Sá, Maria do Céu
| | | | · Perception of Intraprofessional Communication "At the Bedside": Narrative from Jean Watson's Theory of Care Paredes-Garza, Francisco; Muñoz, Débora Muñoz; Domínguez, Raquel Rincón; Muñoz, Sandra Hernández; Pérez, Esther Lázaro
| | | | · Emotional Management Strategies in Prehospital Nurses: Scoping Review Protocol Almeida, Marisa Raquel Rosete; Lobão, Catarina Alexandra Rodrigues Faria; Coelho, Adriana Raquel Neves
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