
ISSN 2183-1351



Scope and policy

    It is a journal with peer review, publishing any scientific contribution related to the basic and clinical aspects of modern Radiology, including imaging diagnostic and intervention techniques, nuclear medicine, radiobiology and radiological physics.

    A double-blind system for peer review is used to select the paper.

    The editorial structure comprises the following sections: Editorial; Opinion Articles; Reviews; Original Papers; Continuous Training; Images of Interest; Clinical Cases; Letters to the Editor. All manuscripts are reviewed by the Editorial Board. The Original Papers, Images of Interest, Technical Innovation, Clinical cases and Letters to the Editor are submitted spontaneously and subject to peer review.

    The Editorials, Opinion Articles and Continuing Training are submitted upon request of the Editorial Board.

    The paper submitted must be original and not previously published. The rigor and accuracy of its contents, as well as the views expressed, are the sole responsibility of the authors.

    Articles published in the ARP journal are property of the journal and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior consent of the publishers. After publication in the ARP and written permission of the editors, authors can publish the papers in repositories of their institutions, always mentioning prior publication in the ARP.

    ARP’s contents include original articles, review articles, editorials, letters to the editor and the ARP intends to be a forum for the international radiological community.

    This journal provides immediate open access to your content.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

    Manuscript organisation

    All manuscripts must be organised as follows:

    First page:

    a) Title in Portuguese or English, concise and objective, preferably, less than 10 words SciELO Portugal - Criação de Revistas na Coleção SciELO Portugal 16

    b) Names of all authors (clinical or Professional name), including the academic and / or professional titles and their affiliation (department, institution, city, country)

    c) Sources of funding contributing to the completion of the work

    d) Address and email of author responsible for the correspondence regarding the manuscript

    e) Short title for header

    f) Type of paper

    Second page:

    a) Abstract in Portuguese (maximum words according to type of paper). Abstracts should have no references and abbreviations should be kept to those indispensable.

    b) Three to six keywords referring to the paper submitted for publication, intended for indexing, according to the keywords mentioned in Medical Subject Headings MeSH (available at: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/

    Third page:

    This page is the English version of the second page.

    Following pages:

    The following pages should include the text according to the specific sections of each type of paper. The text may be presented in Portuguese or English. Acknowledgements, sources of financial support, any awards or previous presentations should be listed after the text and before the references. After the References, there should be a new page individually listing first the tables and then the figures.

    Types of Papers

    Manuscripts not conforming to the journal’s guidelines cannot be considered for publication. The following types of papers are considered for publication:


    These are submitted on invitation of the Editorial Council and usually are comments on current topics. Must be under 1200 words, without any tables/figures and 5 references maximum. No need for abstract.


    Under 4000 words. References not exceeding 70 and up to 15 figures are allowed.

    Original Papers:

    The manuscript must follow this order: Title, structured Abstract (250 words maximum, keywords (3 to 6), Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References. The text should not exceed 3500 words, 40 references and 4-6 figures/tables.

    Clinical Cases:

    Reserved for trial and clinical reports of exceptional interest and immediate application. Title, non-structured Abstract (150 words maximum). The text should not exceed 1500 words, 2-3 figures/tables 15 references. A number of 6 authors maximum are recommended.

    Images of Interest:

    Total extension of text should not exceed 500 words, 3 figures/tables, 3 references. A number of 6 authors maximum are recommended.

    Letters to the Editor:

    May be submitted on topics previously published in the journal or on recently published articles. Must be addressed to the Editor-in-chief and, if that is the case, the authors of the original paper are invited to reply. They should not exceed 600 words and may have 5 references maximum. A number of 3 authors maximum are recommended.


    Abstract under 250 words. Less than 4000 words and may include 100 references and 20 figures/tables maximum. A number of 6 authors maximum are recommended. Technological Innovation: Abstract with less than 150 words. Should not exceed 1250 words and it may include 10 references and 6 figures/tables maximum. A number of 7 authors maximum are recommended.

    Continuous Training:

    Papers on subjects of great scientific, radiological interest with view to updating readers. The paper must include (mandatory): structured Abstract up to 250 words. The text should not exceed 3500 words. It should include 30 recent references minimum, and 10 figures/tables maximum are allowed. After the text body, a test with questions to assess what you have learned should be included.

    Articles of Opinion:

    These are only submitted by invitation to the Editorial Council. They are comments on current topics. Abstract with less than 150 words. They should not exceed 2500 words and may include 35 references and 5 figures/tables maximum. A number of 4 authors maximum are recommended.


    SPRMN and specialty colleges, official entities and/or groups of doctors wishing to publish recommendations for the clinical practice in the ARP must previously contact the Editorial Council and submit the complete text and the version to be published. The Editor-in-Chief may require exclusive publication of the recommendations in the ARP.


    Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.

    Text should be in simple font such as Times New Roman.


    Abbreviations should neither be used in the titles nor in the abstract and when used in the text they should be restricted to a minimum. Abbreviations should be defined in the text where first used, in full and abbreviated in parentheses and consistently thereafter. No points should be placed among the letters.

    Scientific style

    The trade name of pharmaceutical products should be followed by its chemical name.

    Units and measures should be expressed in the International System.


    Authors should provide direct references to the original sources whenever possible.

    Authors are responsible for the accuracy and rigor of their references and for the correct citation in the text.

    As recommended in ICMJE Requirements, the Vancouver style should be used. References should be listed in order of reference in the text, numbered in superscript, sequentially and in order of citation in the text.


    This effect has been widely studied.1-3,7

    If there are more than six authors, list the first six followed by “et al.”.

    For papers published in journals: 1. Last name followed by initials of first names; 2. Complete title of the paper; 3. Abbreviation of Journal’s name; 4. Year of publication; 5. Volume (in Arabic numerals); 6. Number of first and last page.

    Shetty AS, Grajo JR, Decker S, Heitkamp DE, DeStigter KK, Mezwa DG, et al. ABR core examination preparation: results of a survey of fourth-year radiology residents who took the 2013 examination. Acad Radiol. 2015;22:121-9. Book Chapter: 1. Authors last names, followed by first names initials; 2. Complete title of paper 3. Last name and initials of Editor; 4. Complete title of the book; 5. Place of publication; 6. Year of publication; 7. Number of first and last page.

    Brown B, Aaron M. The politics of nature. In: Smith J, editor. The rise of modern genomics. 3rd ed. New York: Wiley;2001. p 230-57.

    Book: 1. Authors last names, followed by first names initials; 2. Complete title; 3. Place of publication: Publisher’s name; 4. Year of publication.

    Sahani DV. Abdominal imaging. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2011

    Homepage/Website: Cancer-Pain.org [homepage in Internet]. New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources [consulted 2013 9 Jun]. Available at: http://www.cancer-pain.org/.

    Non-published data such as those in papers that have been submitted but not yet accepted for publication, as well as personal communications, should not be included in the references. They may be cited in the text in parentheses (e.g.: Caseiro-Alves F, personal communication).


    Tables are identified with Arabic numbers by order of appearance in the text.

    Titles must be short but self-explanatory and placed above the table’s body.

    Authors should place notes below the table’s body and not in the title.

    For table notes, the following symbols and sequence must be used: *, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡ .


    Figures are numbered with Arabic numbers and consecutively as they appear in the text.

    Figures can be photographs, drawings, x-ray reproductions, in JPG, JPEG or TIFF format, Excel graphs, and may be included in the text. However, originals must always be submitted separately.

    The most relevant parts of figures must be highlighted with visible signs (arrows, circles among other). Photographs of patients must be presented blindfolded, preventing the patients from being identified, unless they are accompanied by a letter authorizing their publication.

    The good quality of the photographs is of essence, minimum resolution must be 300 dpi.

    If the Editor considers the quality to be poor, he may require that the originals be reproduced at the Author’s expense.

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© 2021 Sociedade Portuguesa de Radiologia e Medicina Nuclear

Av. Elias Garcia, 123 – 7º Dto, 1050-098
Portugal, Lisboa
