ISSN 0003-2573
Printed version



Basic Information

Full Title: Análise Social

Análise Social is the most respected social science journal in Portugal and internationally in the area of Portuguese studies. Over half a century, the journal has kept its cutting-edge status due to its ability to attract top-quality research, both theoretically and empirically, and due to the originality and relevance of the subject-matters addressed in its pages.

Análise Social is a multidisciplinary journal, specializing in Sociology, History, Anthropology, Political Science and Social Psychology. Priority is given to publishing articles which:

• Present empirical research based on theoretical concepts and models;
• Develop new analytical and research methods;
• Use heuristic concepts to interpret social phenomena;
• Demonstrate the theoretical implications of empirical research;
• Contribute to developing comparative approaches to the topics studied.

Whilst most of its articles deal with social scientific research on Portugal, Análise Social is also open to publishing articles on any other region, particularly when these provide new comparative and analytical insights.

Análise Social is published in continuous mode, indexed on SciELO/Portugal and Scopus and follows a rigorous peer review procedure.

Análise Social welcomes article submissions in its four specialist areas

Information Services

• ERIH/European Science Foundation
• CAPES/Brasil
• Latindex — Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal
• B-ON — Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online/EBSCO
• IBSS — International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
• International Political Science Abstracts
• Scopus


• Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa.


• Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


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Telef: 217 804 700 - Fax: 217 940 274


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