0003-2573 |
Scope and policy
Análise Social is the most respected social science journal in Portugal and internationally in the area of Portuguese studies. Over half a century, the journal has kept its cutting-edge status due to its ability to attract top-quality research, both theoretically and empirically, and due to the originality and relevance of the subject-matters addressed in its pages. Análise Social is a multidisciplinary journal, specializing in Sociology, History, Anthropology, Political Science and Social Pychology. Priority is given to publishing articles which: • Present
empirical research based on theoretical concepts and models; Whilst most of its articles deal with social scientific research on Portugal, Análise Social is also open to publishing articles on any other region, particularly when these provide new comparative and analytical insights. Análise Social is published in continuous mode, is indexed on SciELO/Portugal and Scopus and follows a rigorous peer review procedure. Análise Social welcomes article submissions in its four specialist areas |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
1. Análise Social is a journal that publishes original scholarly work in the Social Sciences in the following formats: (1) research articles of a maximum of 9,000 words; (2) articles for thematic dossiers, comprising no more than four articles, each no more than 7,000 words; (3) review articles of up to 6,000 words; (4) book reviews of up to 1,500 words. The journal may also publish, on occasion, interviews and obituaries. It also welcomes the submission of books for review. 2. Articles may be submitted in Portuguese or English. 3. The Editorial Board reviews all submissions bearing in mind their appropriateness for the journal. Following this assessment, articles that are considered fit to publish are delivered to two external readers, for double-blind peer-review. The journal will only publish those articles and reviews that go through this evaluation process. Book reviews shall be evaluated by an editor appointed according to their area of expertise. 4. Opinions expressed in work(s) published in Análise Social are those of the author(s), and do not represent the opinion(s) or policy(ies) of the Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the Universidade de Lisboa, or of the editor(s) of the journal. 5. Articles should be submitted by email in a Word file to . Books submitted for review should be sent to: Marta Castelo Branco, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Prof. Aníbal Bettencourt, 9, 1600-189 Lisboa. 6. The first page of submissions should include the author(s) name(s), institutional affiliation, email address, and postal address. All articles and reviews should be accompanied by an abstract of approximately 100 words and four keywords in Portuguese and in English. 7. References pertaining to earlier published work(s) of the submitting author(s), such as direct citations and/or text references, must appear anonymously in the submission manuscript (e.g.: “Author, 1999”) in both the main body and bibliography, in order not to influence the external peer-reviewers. 8. Notes must be numbered. All tables, figures, illustrations, maps, etc. must be numbered and identified with a title, and included separately at the end of the main text, along with an indication of where they should be inserted in the text. The bibliography should be included following the tables/illustrations and must contain only those sources actually cited in the text, and be alphabetically ordered. 9. Citations and references should be made in the following way: “(Pinto, 2002)” when referring to a work in general; “(Pinto, 2002, pp. 32-33)” when citing a specific feature or reproducing a direct quotation; “Pinto (2002a)” when referring to one of two or more works of Pinto that appear in the bibliography; “Pinto and Ferreira (2003)” and Pinto, Ferreira and Sousa (2003), when referring to a work having two or three authors; “Pinto et al. (2002)” when referring to a work having more than three authors. 10. Citations in the bibliography should follow these examples: Books Collections Articles in collections Articles in journals Online Publications Doctoral Dissertations Reprinted Historical Sources 11. Authors grant Análise Social full and exclusive rights to publish their works submitted in any form deemed appropriate by the editor(s). Authors shall receive a pdf of their work and a paper edition of the journal. |
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2015 Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Universidade de Lisboa
Avenida Professor Aníbal de Bettencourt, 9
1600-189 Lisboa - Portugal
Telef: 217 804 700 - Fax: 217 940 274
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