ISSN 0872-9662
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Basic Information

  • Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão (COeG) has for purpose the contribution for the development of organizations and for those who work there, through the publication of relevant texts for the empiric and theoretical analysis among the organizational sciences.
  • COeG assumes itself as a multidisciplinary magazine and open to collecting contributions proceeding from domains such as organizational theory, psychology, sociology, management, information science, ergonomics and political science, among others.
  • We stimulate, mainly, texts able to articulate empiric data with theoretical models and to promote the conceptual and applied advance of organizational science.
  • Particularly well received will be the articles which:

    a) Come from multiple disciplinary areas or from multiple analysis levels;
    b) Proceed to theories, data and organizational application integration;
    c) Make use of multiple methods, whether they are qualitative or quantitative;
    d) Have for purpose the improvement of organizations, in terms of economic and human results.

  • Semester Regularity
  • Drawing 500 units
  • Enrolled in ICS under the number 123037
  • Legal Deposit 88391/95


Information Services






  • I.S.P.A. – Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada – CRL, Rua Jardim do Tabaco, 34, 1149-041 Lisbon, Portugal


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© 2007 I.S.P.A – Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada – CRL

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