ISSN 0874-6885 |
Faces de Eva. Estudos sobre a Mulher is a biannual scientific journal based at CICS.NOVA - Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon (NOVA FCSH). Faces de Eva’s eponymous research team began publishing the Journal in 1999. Over the years, the Journal has been affirmed for its diversity of themes and for the transversal nature of the various fields of knowledge that contribute to the knowledge, increasingly complex and multiple, of the human person. Therefore, its structure reflects scientific concerns, in the sense of giving voice and echo to novelties in the theoretical field of gender, feminist and women’s studies, without forgetting the underlying premises, but also highlighting aspects of the experiences of real people that enable processes of identification and social modelling. This double dimension of the Journal, and certainly innovative, constitutes an editorial option that stems from a scientific approach of articulation between theoretical and empirical knowledge. Faces de Eva accepts and publishes scientific original articles written in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English, promoting the international dissemination of its contents. It covers a wide range of headings, and all submitted original articles (Estudos) are subject to a peer review evaluation process by experts. Although the Journal allows the publication of original articles with a more theoretical discussion component, it favours scientific articles resulting from research. All the other sections of the Journal also follow publication norms that include them in international classification and metric criteria, increasingly safeguarded by the publication, and whose results are being consolidated. Emerging from the academy and aimed at it, the Journal is constituted as a proposal of scientific dialogue increasingly asserted in Portuguese universities. |
Form and Preparation of Manuscripts
- For all the sections: 1. Author(s) must send a digital copy in both .docx and .pdf formats. Please use Times New Roman, size 12, with a space and a half. All proposed manuscripts must have a cover page with the following information: 1) identity; 2) ORCID ID; 3) full institutional affiliation (two at most) in the following order: University, School, Department/Research Centre, postal code, city, country; and 4) email address, preferably institutional. Acronyms and abbreviations must only be used after providing the full name(s) to which they refer. 2. Faces de Eva follows the norms provided by APA 7th Edition. 3. Address for manuscript submission in .docx and .pdf formats to: 4. All texts must include bibliographical references. - For particular sections, take into consideration: 5. Original articles submitted for the Estudos section must not exceed 40 000 characters (including spaces) and must contain a title, abstract and keywords in the language in which the article is written, but also in English and Portuguese (example: an article written in Spanish must contain a title, abstract and keywords in Spanish, Portuguese and English). The aforementioned elements must also be in English and Portuguese for articles written in English. Abstracts must not exceed 650 characters (including spaces) and must have up to 5 keywords. 5.1. We recommend that proposed original articles (Estudos) respect the methodological structure of scientific articles: introduction; critical review of literature/theoretical framework; methodological options; presentation and discussion of results; conclusions; and references.
5.2. All abstracts of the original articles (Estudos) must respect the following structure: introduction to the study; reference to theoretical and methodological approaches; main results; conclusion; and relevance of the work. 5.3. Proposed original articles (Estudos) are submitted to a double-blind peer review process carried out by at least two experts in the respective scientific areas, as indicated in the Peer Review Process (see this section below). 5.4. Before starting the scientific peer review process, all original articles (Estudos) are subject to a first screening to verify that they meet the objectives and the textual and scientific requirements, as well as the standards adopted by the Journal. Furthermore, all original articles (Estudos) are submitted to the Turnitin similarity checking program (software guaranteed by NOVA FCSH). 5.5. Personal information regarding authors who submit manuscripts for the Journal, namely their names and addresses, will be used solely for the purposes of the publication of scientific work, and will not be used for other ends or made available to third parties. 5.6. Only bibliographical references of works cited shall be accepted. These must be placed at the end of the article. Works must be cited in the text, with the following format: (author surname, year, page). Short quotations, not exceeding 4 lines, should be enclosed within quotation marks in the text. Longer quotations must be separated from the text and not be enclosed within quotation marks. Cite the work you paraphrase in the text using either the narrative or the parenthetical format. In the list of references when a title is in a language other than English, include a translation of the title in square brackets. 5.7. After final acceptance of original articles (Estudos), all authors must sign a Declaration of Authorship and Publication Authorization (to be sent by Faces de Eva), acknowledging that they have been informed and that they agree with the Open Access Policy and Copyright, Publication Standards and Statement of Ethics and Good Practices adopted by Faces de Eva. 5.8. Original articles (Estudos) with collective authorship must discriminate the contribution of each author following the CRediT taxonomy: conceptualization; formal analysis; research; methodology; provision of sources; validation; writing of original draft; revision; editing of the article; among others. 6. Texts submitted to the sections Estado da Questão (State of the Art), Pioneira (Pioneer) and Retrato (Portrait) must not exceed 12 000 characters (including spaces). Texts submitted to the section Estado da Questão (State of the Art) must include the respective institutional logo (in .jpg/.gif format). The other sections must include a photograph (in .jpg/.gif format). 7. Texts submitted to the section Entrevista (Interview) must not exceed 20 000 characters (including spaces) and must include a photograph (in .jpg/.gif format). 8. Texts submitted to the section Recensões (Reviews), include appraisals of books, movies, or any other type of cultural and/or artistic production, must not exceed 8 000 characters (including spaces) and must focus on materials that were published or released twelve months prior to the expected date of publication of the issue of the Journal. REFERENCES One work by one author: Terry, G. (2009). Climate change and gender justice. Practical Action Publisher.Same author and same publication date: Framework Convention on Climate Change. (2019a). Gender and climate change draft decision. Proposal by the President. Draft decision -/CP.25. Enhanced Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan (No. FCCC/CP/2019/L.3). United Nations. Framework Convention on Climate. (2019b). Gender composition. Report by the secretariat (No. FCCC/CP/2019/9). United Nations. One work by two authors: Byerly, C. M., & Ross, K. (2006). Women & media. A critical introduction. Blackwell Publishing.One work by three to twenty authors: Priebe, S., Sandhu, S., Dias, S., Gaddini, A., Greacen, T., Ioannidis, E., Kluge, U., Krasnik, A., Lamkaddem, M., Lorant, V., Riera, R. P., Sarvary, A., Soares, J. J. F., Stankunas, M., Straßmayr, C., Wahlbeck, K., Welbel, M., & Bogic, M. (2011). Good practice in health care for migrants: Views and experiences of care professionals in 16 European countries. BMC Public Health, 11(1), 187. than twenty authors: Pegion, K., Kirtman, B. P., Becker, E., Collins, D. C., LaJoie, E., Burgman, R., Bell, R., DelSole, R., Min, D., Zhu, Y., Li, W., Sinsky, E., Guan, H., Gottschalck, J., Metzger, E. J., Barton, N. P., Achuthavarier, D., Marshak, J., Koster, R., . . . Kim, H. (2019). The subseasonal experiment (SubX): A multimodel subseasonal prediction experiment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100(10), 2043-2061. in a book: Bystrom, D. G. (2004). Women as political communication sources and audiences. In L. L. Kaid (Ed.), Handbook of political communication research (pp. 435-459). Lawrence Eribaum Associates, Inc.Serial/Journal article (online): Findlen, P. (1993). Science as a career in enlightenment Italy: The strategies of Laura Bassi. Isis, 84(3), 441-469. article (with DOI): Fiolhais, C. (2021). Ada Lovelace: A “feiticeira do número” [Ada Lovelace: The “Enchantress of Number”]. Faces de Eva. Estudos sobre a Mulher, (46), 31-48. Resurrección, B. P. (2013). Persistent women and environment linkages in climate change and sustainable development agendas. Women’s Studies International Forum, 40, 33-43. Book/Chapter in a book/Serial/Journal article in another language: Tosi, L. (1998). Mulher e ciência: A revolução científica, a caça às bruxas e a ciência moderna [Woman and science: Scientific revolution, witch-hunt and modern science]. Cadernos Pagu, 10, 369-397. http://www.bibliotecadigital.unicamp.brOrganisation/Corporate author: United Nations. (2019). Sustainable development goals report. |
The proposed original articles to Estudos section of Faces de Eva are submitted to the review of at least two experts, national and/or international and on an anonymous basis, both for author/s and reviewers. The scientific reviews should consider the adequacy and framing of the article in the objectives of the Journal: its scientific quality, pertinence, originality, clarity and coherence of contents, the explicitness of methodology, the rigour of writing and the formal balance. In the event of disparate reviews, a third review will be solicited, also anonymously both for author(s) and reviewer(s). Reviews must be explicit in their considerations for publishing: accepted without restrictions; accepted with restrictions (indicating which); rejected. Further suggestions that may be seen as pertinent in terms of changes in the article may also be requested and supplied to the author/s. To be published, the original article must hold two favourable reviews. |
Publication’s Statement of Ethics and Good Practices
PRESENTATION Faces de Eva is a peer reviewed journal that aims to disseminate works within the scope of Gender, Feminist and Women’s studies that may contribute to the transformation of relational practices and the symbolisms that support them, as well as to the diversity and deepening of national and international scientific dialogue. The Journal is sponsored by public entities, namely, the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., within the scope of the project «UIDB/04647/2020» of CICS.NOVA – Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences of NOVA University Lisbon. It has also had occasional private funding, within the scope of corporate social responsibility. Faces de Eva adheres to the principles of the declaration of ethics and good practices in publishing, expressed in the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards and Good Practices for Journal Editors of the COPE - Committee on Ethics in Publishing. The editorial team, authors and reviewers are committed to the following Declaration of Ethics and Good Practices adopted by the Journal. 1. RESPONSIBILITIES 1.1. EDITORIAL TEAM’S RESPONSIBILITY (BOARD and ASSOCIATE EDITORS) As to the Journal's objectives: - Collaborate in the pursuit of the Journal's objectives, observe and enforce publication guidelines and ethical standards.As to the Journal theme: - Defining the subject in focus and the role of each original article in the thematic issues.Endogeny: - Ensure that the proportion of accepted scientific articles (Estudos) in which at least one of the authors is an Associated Editor, Advisory Board member, reviewer or affiliated with the Journal institution is no more than 20%, based on the research content of the last two issues. The remaining sections of the Journal are excepted.Timeline: - Establish a schedule for original article submission, respective scientific refereeing, review and final submission, ensuring that all deadlines are met.As to the acceptance of the article and various submissions: - To decide, preliminarily, which of the original articles proposed to the Journal will be submitted to the opinion of experts in their respective areas, having as criteria the editorial line, the norms of article publication, and the current legal requirements regarding copyright violation and plagiarism.- The Journal reserves the right not to accept for evaluation more than one submission per author per year, or while there is a previous submission in the evaluation process. As for the evaluation: - Ensure that scientifically adequate referees are chosen for all original articles.- Ensure that the scientific refereeing process for original articles submitted for publication is transparent, fair, and impartial. Corrections after publication: - Provide for the publication of necessary clarifications, rectifications and corrections, after deliberation of the editorial team.Non-discrimination: - Ensure that the evaluation, as well as the decision of acceptance or rejection of manuscripts, observes the fundamental principles of equality and non-discrimination, namely, on the basis of ancestry, age, state of health, sex, gender identity, race, language, territory of origin, religion, political or ideological convictions, education, economic situation, social condition or sexual orientation.Communication with authors: - Keep authors informed during the process of submission or publication of an article.- Present the reviewers' opinions to the authors. - Decide on the authors' decision whether or not to follow the reviewers' opinions. Transparency: - Ensure transparency in the editing and publication processes, allowing access to the opinions of acceptance/refusal of submitted texts.- No fees will be charged for publication. Conflict of interest: - The editorial team safeguards possible conflicts of interest/competing interests.1.2. REVIEWER’S RESPONSIBILITY Contribution to the editorial decision: - To be aware of the editorial line of the Journal in order to guarantee its fulfilment.Contribution to the article: - Suggest to the author improvements in the text submitted for publicationHonor: - Not to use or disclose, by any means, the material entrusted to their review before its effective publication.Confidentiality: - Consider the original articles received for scientific arbitration as confidential documents.Non-discrimination: - Respect the fundamental principles of equality and non-discrimination, namely on the basis of ancestry, age, state of health, sex, gender identity, race, language, territory of origin, religion, political or ideological convictions, education, economic situation, social condition, or sexual orientation.Standards of objectivity: - Substantiate your views with objective arguments and without personal criticism.Acknowledgment of sources: - Ensure that a publication or observations and arguments referred to in the text are accompanied by identification of their source and are indicated in the final list of references.Conflict of interest: - Inform the editorial team immediately if there is any conflict of interest.Fraud detection: - Inform the editors of any suspected plagiarism, such as substantial similarity or overlap between the study and any other work (published or unpublished) or of which they are aware.Deadline compliance: - Complete the review within the agreed deadline.1.3. AUTHOR’S RESPONSIBILITY Manuscript authorship It is the authors' responsibility: - To ensure the inclusion of all co-authorship in the manuscript and list all persons who contributed significantly to the study, as well as ensure that all those involved approve and agree with the final version of the document sent for publication.- To ensure the non-inclusion in the manuscript of people who did not effectively collaborate in its elaboration. Submission standards: - Unconditionally observe the rules of publication provided by Faces de Eva journal.- Present the work in a clear and precise manner; ensure that the methodological options are clear, that the text is presented in a coherent and structured manner and respects the grammatical rules of the language in which it is written. Originality and plagiarism: - Guarantee the originality of the paper submitted for publication, stating on your honour that it has been prepared from the rigorous analysis of accurate data, and has not been published elsewhere.- Ensure that sources used are properly referenced and/or cited. Multiple, redundant or competing publications: - Do not present the same research in multiple original articles, nor submit the same article simultaneously to more than one journal.Statement of conflict of interests: - Disclose and reveal sources of financial support and any conflict of interests that may influence the interpretation and/or results of the research presented in the article.Fundamental errors in published works: - Promptly notify and cooperate with the Board when you discover a significant error or inaccuracy in your own published work so that it may be corrected.Archive: - Ensure access to the (empirical) data by other competent professionals for at least ten years after publication, while protecting the confidentiality of the participants and respecting the legal rights to that data;1.4. EDITING RESPONSIBILITIES Editorial autonomy: - Ensure the autonomy of editorial decisions.Intellectual property and copyright: - Protect the intellectual property and rights of authors and editors by promoting and maintaining the record of the published version.Scientific misconduct: - Take the necessary steps to identify and prevent the publication of articles in which research misconduct has occurred, and to discourage and combat practices that embody it.Errata publication: - Take all appropriate steps, in collaboration with the journal's editorial team, to clarify or amend articles in situations of alleged or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication, or plagiarism. This includes the immediate publication of an errata, clarification and correction.2. PROCEDURES IN CASE OF UNETHICAL BEHAVIOUR Identification of unethical behaviour: - Anyone who has concrete evidence of unethical behaviour should forward it to the editorial team, which is committed to investigating it.Investigation: - The editorial team will conduct a serious and confidential investigation, gathering evidence, respecting the adversarial process until a final decision is made. Procedure: - If any unethical behaviour by the authors is detected, the editorial team will initiate the Investigation Procedure, which may involve the following actions: - suspending the article review procedure, if it is ongoing;- suspending the article publication process, if it is underway; - informing the authors in detail, by the same means of communication through which the article was sent; - detailing the stages of the procedure and the elements of proof, requesting clarification from the authors; - deliberating on the clarification sent by the authors, communicating to them the decision made. |
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© 2022 Faces de Eva. Estudos sobre a Mulher, CICS.NOVA - Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa / Edições Húmus
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
CICS.NOVA - Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais
Equipa de Investigação Faces de Eva. Estudos sobre a Mulher
Colégio Almada Negreiros (CAN) - Campus de Campolide,
Sala 333, Gabinete 361,
1099-085 Lisboa, Portugal