
ISSN 2183-8135
e-ISSN 2184-0628



Scope and policy

    Gazeta Médica is a quarterly, single-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal, which aims to promote excellence in medicine by publishing articles which are rigorous in their methodology and scientific basis, deal with current themes and have a practical application; we aim to publish material that is if the greatest value to clinical practice.

    To this end, the journal accepts submissions of articles on basic, clinical or epidemiological research studies, as well as reviews, practical guides, clinical case reports, opinion pieces and commentaries relevant to clinical practice, health service provision, health policy, medical training, ethics and research methodology. Furthermore, the journal publishes personal narratives which convey the art of medicine.

    We accept submissions of original articles, review articles, clinical cases, sequences of cases, images of medicine and surgery, editorials, letters to the editor, articles on history of medicine and other articles which are aimed at the improvement of clinical practice (recommendations, clinical guidelines and opinions).

    Submissions must be the original work of the author and must not have been previously published. It is the exclusive responsibility of the author(s) to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the material. Articles published in Gazeta Médica will be the property of the journal and may not be reproduced, wholly or partially, without the editors' prior consent. After publication in Gazeta Médica, with the editors' written authorisation, the authors may publish the material in their institutions' repositories, giving reference to the prior publication in Gazeta Médica.

    Gazeta Médica does not consider material that has already been published (except abstracts presented at conferences) or is awaiting publication in other journals. The opinions expressed in the articles are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the authors. When submitting their work, authors should indicate what type of article they are presenting (Original, Review, Perspective, History of Medicine, Comments/Letters to the Director, Medicine or Surgery Imaging and Clinical Cases).


Form and preparation of manuscripts

    Article text must be submitted in the submission platform available at:


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© 2021 Círculo Médico

Av. Prof. Dr. Fernando da Conceição Fonseca, nº 41-A
Massamá – 2745-767
Queluz – Portugal
