ISSN 0874-5161
[printed version




Basic Information


  • Investigação Operacional is the scientific journal of the Portuguese Operations Research Society - Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional (APDIO).
  • Numbers are published each semester, and volumes have 2 numbers.
  • The printed volumes of Investigação Operacional are distributed free of charge to all associates of APDIO, since November 1981.


 Information Sources

The journal Investigação Operacional is indexed by:


·        International Abstracts in Operations Research





·         The authors of an accepted paper will be asked to transfer its copyright to APDIO, which will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.



The journal receives financial support from:


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Ministério da Ciência e do Ensino Superior (FCT) through the Fundo de Apoio à Comunidade Científica – FACC 2 – Edição de Publicações Periódicas de Natureza Científica – of the Programa POCTI – Programa Operacional Ciência Tecnologia Inovação.

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