ISSN 0874-5161
[printed version




Editorial Policy


  • Investigação Operacional publishes high quality and original articles that contribute to theory, methodology, techniques and software of Operational Research (OR) and its application to different fields.
  • It also publishes articles with relevant reviews of OR subjects. Cases of successful application of OR to practical problems are specially welcome.
  • All manuscripts submitted for publication are refereed and accepted only on the basis of its quality, importance and adequacy to the editorial policy. It will be the responsibility of the Editor to interpret the referee’s assessment.
  • The contribution of each paper should be clearly stated in the introduction. Criteria such as relationship with existing literature, length and style are taken into account.
  • A clear indication on the suitability of a manuscript is usually provided after the first round of refereeing.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


  • Submit papers for publication to the main editor, preferably by e-mail in Microsoft Word or “Portable Document Format” (PDF) to, or by ordinary mail (four copies) to the following address: Professor José Fernando Oliveira, Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 PORTO, Portugal.
  • Language. Papers must be in written in Portuguese, English or Spanish.
  • Manuscripts should be typewritten or typeset. Number the pages consecutively.
  • The first page of the manuscript written in English should contain the following information: (a) Title; (b) names, e-mails and institutional affiliations of the authors; (c) an abstract; (d) keywords (f) identification of the corresponding author.
  • Acknowledgements, including support information, should be placed prior to the references section.
  • Footnotes should be avoided.
  • Formulas that are referred to should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript as (1), (2), etc. on the right.
  • Figures, including graphs and diagrams, should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers.
  • Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers.
  • References. Cite only the most relevant references and list only those cited in the text. Indicate citations in the text by bracketed numbers, e.g., [4]. At the end of the paper list the references alphabetically by the surname of the first author and number them consecutively, according to the following formats:
    Articles: author(s), title, name and number of the journal (or book, but in this case include the editors names), year, pages.
    Books: Author(s), title, publisher, year.
  • Livros: Autor(es), título, editor, ano.
  • Accepted papers are to be sent by the author to the editor, preferably in the form of a source file in LaTeX and EPS files for the figures together with a PDF or postscript file. Alternatively, source files in Word are also accepted. To ensure good publishing quality the figures should be in vector formats; raster formats like JPG, BMP, GIF, etc. should be avoided.
  • Page proofs will be e-mailed as a PDF file to the corresponding author. Correct proofs carefully, and restrict corrections to points at which the proof is at variance with the manuscript. Deviations from the version accepted by the editor are only possible with the prior and explicit approval of the editor. Thirty offprints of each paper are supplied free of charge to the corresponding author.



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