ISSN 0874-0283
[printed version]

ISSNe 2182-2883
 [eletrónic version]



Basic Information

Complete title of the journal: Journal of Nursing Referência

Publisher: Health Sciences Research Unit - Nursing (UICISA: E), Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC)

Objectives of the journal:  The Journal of Nursing Referência disseminates scientific knowledge  produced in the specific field of nursing science with an interdisciplinary approach covering the areas of education, life sciences and health sciences, with an impact on health gains and scientific nursing development.

Areas of interest of the journal: Nursing, Health and Education.

History of the journal: 

The Journal of Nursing Referência is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing (UICISA: E), a Unit hosted by the Nursing School of Coimbra and assessed by the Foundation for Science and Technology. The journal is targeted at students, researchers and professionals in the field of Health and Education. It disseminates the scientific knowledge produced in the area of Education and Health Sciences, with an impact on health gains and the scientific development of nursing. All articles must have scientific depth, originality and a clear national and international relevance for the scientific advancement of the issue under study. The articles are published in the form of research papers, review papers and theoretical articles.


Historical background

The Journal Referência was first published in January 1998 (no.=0), under the title of Revista de Educação e Formação em Enfermagem da Escola Superior de Enfermagem Dr. Ângelo da Fonseca. It aimed to become a room for analysis and discussion of nursing theories and models; disseminate and discuss the application of innovative nursing care processes, methods and techniques; to present and discuss research methods, techniques and tools; to disseminate pedagogical/didactic projects developed by the school; to disseminate and discuss projects and results of health promotion activities in the community; to become a room for the analysis of teaching issues, particularly nursing teachin; to disseminate and discuss new systems, models and techniques of care, staff and health services management; to disseminate and comment on new sources of information and bibliography.

Between 1998 and 2004, 13 issues were published with some regularity. It is fair to underline the effort made throughout those years by the Board of the Nursing School Dr. Ângelo da Fonseca, the Board of the Journal, the Scientific Committee, and, in particular, the restricted group of professors who composed the editorial board and its coordinator, to keep the regularity, rigour and quality of every issue.

On 21st July 2004, the Decree-Law no. 175/2004 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education decided to merge the two Nursing Schools in Coimbra (Nursing School Dr. Ângelo da Fonseca and Nursing School Bissaya Barreto). The schools became involved in the creation of a joint project for the improvement of the teaching quality and decided to create and promote ab inicio a research unit. Thus, since 2004, after its assessment by an international panel, the Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing Domain (UICISA: dE), was acknowledged and became an accredited institution by the Foundation for Science and Technology. Since one of the Unit’s major aims is the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge, we considered that the Journal Referência should be under the responsibility of the Unit.

In December 2005, the 2nd Series began under the name Referência: Revista Científica da Unidade de Investigação em Ciências da saúde: domínio de Enfermagem. With a new image and logo, the Journal began to be periodically published (12 numbers were published between 2005 and 2010), developed a blind review system and adjusted all of its criteria to the ones of an international journal. During this process, it accessed CUIDEN and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), and became accessible in full text on hemeroteca Cantárida, Index, CINAHL and on the journal’s page on the School’s website.

In 2006:

Accessible in full text at the Journal's website


Indexed in CUIDEN and accessible on Hemeroteca CANTARIDA. CIBERE member.

Index Foundation

Indexed in LATINDEX

In 2007:

Classified in QUALIS

In 2009:

Admitted to SciELO Portugal Metadata (HTML)

In July 2010, in its 12th anniversary, it took a new step towards the achievement of new goals. Following the guidance of the International Advisory Board and the recommendations of the scientific journals’ assessment panels, the Board of the Journa introduced new rules and criteria:

a) Moving towards a narrower definition of the scientific scope of the journal, we added a complement entitled: Revista Referência Enfermagem.

b) The Journal of Nursing Referência began its 3rd Series with a new image on the cover, logo, title, and webpage.

c) The National and International Editorial Board and the network of reviewers were expanded, and technical support was provided for the Journal’s edition (statistical and documental support, and Portuguese, English and Spanish language revision.)

d) The author’s guidelines were reviewed. A checklist system was created and the article submission rules were clarified according to the standards of the best International Journals in this scientific domain.

e) The nursing journal Referência is currently indexed in Cuiden, CINAHAL, Latindex and SciELO Portugal. It is internationally published in paper format and is accessible online on Cantárida Índex, ESEnfC/Referência and CINAHL.

f) The journal of nursing Referência is currently published three times a year, with an average of 32/35 published articles. The exclusion rate is around 55%.

g) The goals established by the Journal’s Editor-in-Chief for 2013 are to evolve to new databases, improve the reading factor apply for SSCI impact factor.

In 2012:

Assignment of Digital Object Identifier (DOI), CrossRef.

2014 – In the 4th Series, relevant changes for continuous improvement were introduced:

a) Publication every three months;

b) Accessible in full text, bilingual version in digital format on Cuiden; CINAHL; Latindex; SciELO; SciELO Citation Index – Web of Science, Thomson Reuters and on the journal’s page at;

c) Adherence to APA style guidelines (6th Edition);

d) Topics for critical analysis to write specific types of articles (Research Articles; Theoretical/Essays; Systematic Reviews; Integrative Reviews; History and Memory) were made available at;

e) Peer-reviewed process managed in an online platform (, in which each article goes through a 10-phase dynamic process;

f) Ethical certification.

g) Compliance with the criteria for open-access publishing.

In 2015:

Agreement with Proquest and Redalyc Assignment of ISSN

In 2017:

Redalyc (XML-JATS)

Change in DOI policy

Admitted to REDEdit and BVS

In 2018:

20 years

685 published articles in open acess ~


In 2019:

Suspends its printed version

Admitted to Scopus

In 2020:

Begins the 5th Series, with relevant continuous improvement changes

Rolling pass publishing system


We leave the challenge to all authors, nurses and education and health care professionals of different countries interested in spreading their scientific production, to submit their work to our Journal of Nursing Referência, according to the established guidelines, knowing that if they have quality we will strive to publish them, therefore disseminating and promoting them in the universe of knowledge.


Tereza Maria Mendes Dinis de Andrade Barroso

Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Nursing Referência

Nursing School of Coimbra


Frequency: Rolling pass publishing system

Abbreviated title: Rev. Enf. Ref.

Information Services

  • Scopus; BVS; RED Edit; ProQuest; Redalyc; DOAJ; SciELO Citation Index; SciELO Portugal; CINAHL via EBSCOhost; CUIDEN; Hemeroteca Cantárida; CIBERE; Latindex.


The copyright holder is the Nursing School of Coimbra that hosts the Research Unit. The articles must be sent exclusively to the Journal of Nursing Referência, it is not allowed to present them simultaneously to another journal, a book chapter, both as regards the text as figures or tables, either in full or partially. Authors must sign and submit the Copyright Transfer Form that assures the unprecedented nature of the articles, this form is available for download at the Journals website. The author transfers the copyright of his article to the Journal of Nursing Referência, from the moment it is accepted for electronic publishing. The copyright includes the right to reproduce in whole or in part by any means, and distribute this article, including figures, photographs and any translations. The author may print and distribute copies of the article, since it is mentioned that the rights belong to the Journal of Nursing Referência.



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© 2020 Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra
Unidade de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde - Enfermagem
Revista de Enfermagem Referência
Avenida Bissaya Barreto s/n
3004-011 Coimbra
Tel.: 239 487 255
Fax: 239 483 378