ISSN 0870-6352
[print version]





Scope and policy


·         Silva Lusitana publishes all scientific papers presenting the results of research works, as well as review articles and reviews of books concerning forest and environmental sciences.


·         Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editorial Commission, who verifies if they follow the guidelines indicated bellow in “Format and Preparation of Manuscripts”; if so, they will be analysed by two selected referees of the Scientific Commission, and returned to authors for eventual corrections suggested by the referees; if the article is not approved, the author would receive a justification. The authors are responsible for the revision of the first print copies.




Form and preparation of manuscripts


1 - Once accepted by the Scientific Commission, papers will be published according to the order of arrival, therefore authors should insert, at the end of the article, the date of submission.

2 – Manuscripts should be submitted to:


 Comissão Editorial da Revista Silva Lusitana,

Av. da República, Quinta do Marquês-2780-159 OEIRAS, Portugal.



3 – Authors are responsible for opinions and concepts expressed in the article.

4 - Manuscripts should be clear and succinct. The size of the print paper should be A4 20 x 13,5 cm, including tables, pictures, footnotes etc, and with a left margin not less than 4 cm.

5 – Manuscripts should not exceed 25 A4 pages, including annexes.

6 – Preparation of originals should follow the following rules:

 6.1Title: The title should be concise, specific and descriptive, not exceeding 15 words.

 6.2Author name: Professional degree, name and address of the institution, and e-mail of corresponding author should follow Author(s) name(s).

6.3Abstract: Abstract should be concise, about 2-3% of the whole text, but not exceeding 200 words. Abstract should be followed by keywords (maximum 5) not duplicating the title. An abstract in Portuguese and French, with respective keywords, should also be presented.

6.4Tables and Figures: Should be utilised whenever they enhance the understanding of the article. Its size should fit the paper print page. Table/Figure caption should be short and concise, and the source referenced (if not original).

6.5Photographs: Should only be accepted if they have good printing quality and are indispensable to the understanding of the paper. The Editorial Commission may decide which photographs are not essential, with agreement of the author(s).

6.6Footnotes: Should be short and reduced to the minimum, numbered consecutively in Arabic, not by asterisks.

6.7References: Within the text, refer the name of the author(s) in capital letters and the year of publication. In case of more than two authors, cite the first one followed by et al. and the publication date. Arrange references alphabetically if more than one for the same information.

Examples: Book (A); Article (B); Article in book (C)

A) NATIVIDADE, J.V., 1950. Subericultura. Ministério da Economia, DGSFA, 387 pp.

B) CABRAL, M.T., LOPES, F., SARDINHA, R.A., 1993. Determinação das causas da morte do sobreiro nos concelhos de Santiago de Cacém, Grândola e Sines. Relatório Síntese. Silva Lusitana 1(1) : 7-24.

C)    SILVA, R., PÁSCOA, F., MARQUES, C.P., 1991. Modelação dinâmica dos povoamentos de pinheiro bravo. In Comunicações do I Encontro Sobre Pinhal Bravo, Material Lenhoso e Resina, SPCF/ESAC/CFC, Coimbra, pp. 123-130.

7                                - Number of copies: Authors should submit a paper copy, plus an electronic copy on diskette (PC) or e-mail attachment.

8                                Proofs correction: The author(s) should correct the first print proofs. Changing more than 5% of the original text will be charged to the author (s).

9        Offprint: Authors receive 25 free offprint of each paper. Further offprint may be ordered, but they will be charged to the author.

10     Rights of Edition: All rights belong to Unidade Estratégica de Investigação de Sistemas Agrários e Florestais e Sanidade Vegetal - Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I.P.(I.N.I.A.V.) as Editor of Silva Lusitana.



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© 2014 Unidade Estratégica de Investigação de Sistemas Agrários e Florestais e Sanidade Vegetal

Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I.P.(I.N.I.A.V.)

Unidade Estratégica de Investigação de Sistemas Agrários e Florestais e Sanidade Vegetal .

Av. da República, Quinta do Marquês,
2780-159 OEIRAS, Portugal.
Tel.: (351) 214463700
Fax: (351) 214463701
