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Relações Internacionais (R:I)

versão impressa ISSN 1645-9199


NASCENTES, Débora L.. US fair trade in trade wars: the cases of the US-Japan and US-China conflicts. Relações Internacionais [online]. 2023, n.79, pp.81-98.  Epub 31-Dez-2023. ISSN 1645-9199.

Trade wars involve more than strictly economic issues, it also pemeates other spheres, such as politics, security, and development. Despite the advances in the specialized debate due to the recent Sino-American conflict, little is said about the particularities of a trade war and how it is grounded. Based in two case studies, US vs Japan and US vs China, the present article presents some elements that can fill this gap. These two cases were chosen for their relevance and magnitude, given the respective historical contexts in which they took place. Thus, it was possible to observe that the fair trade logic is the central source of legitimation of the American trade wars.

Palavras-chave : United States trade wars, fair trade; China, Japan.

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