ISSN 1646-107X
[printed version

eISSN 2182-2972
[online versión]




Scope and policy


Journal Motricidade (ISSN 1646-107X, eISSN 2182-2972) is a scientific electronic journal, publishing quarterly and property of the Desafio Singular Editions. Its editorial politics aim is contributing to the development and dissemination of scientific knowledge of theoretical and empirical character in the context of sports, psychology and human development, and health. Journal Motricidade follows an open access politics to all of its published content, promoting a free review of its articles and consequently of the work developed by its authors/researchers.
Journal Motricidade publishes relevant original research and review articles, that are methodologically sound, theoretically grounded and that will potentially contribute to the scientific areas of sports, psychology and human development, and health promoting the international debate on those themes. Contributions are accepted for publication on the condition that they contain original theoretical or experimental data, which has not been published partially or totally elsewhere neither submitted nor being considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts are accepted in English, Spanish and Portuguese as long as they are written in an acceptable quality and are understandable. Manuscripts written in Portuguese must follow the most recent Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement. Articles in English and Spanish will be previously submitted to a linguistic evaluation in order to guarantee its linguistic quality.
Journal Motricidade complies with the guidelines of the International Committee of the Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the American Psychological Association (APA) for the presentation of scientific articles in peer reviewed journals.



Form and preparation of manuscripts


  • Preparation and Format of manuscripts

Manuscripts must be submitted in digital formatting and prepared using word processor Microsoft Word no older than 97/03. Manuscripts must be written in paper format A4 with 2.5 cm margins, Times New Roman or Arial font size 12 with double line spacing. The pages must be numbered sequentially in the heading with right alignment. Authors are recommended to follow the template available here.

Manuscripts must be compulsorily organized in the following way:

First page/Title page: The first page (title page) must include a short, brief and relevant title (up to 40 characters), in English and Portuguese. It must also be referred the type/section of the paper and, if it is the case, the sources of financing (complete reference to the project being supported).

Second page/Abstract: The second page will include again the title in English followed by a structured abstract not exceeding 200 words and up to six keywords. Keywords must be essential terms for the research presented, suitable for use in an index and acceptable as medical descriptor (MeSH) or descriptors in the Health Sciences (DeCS). Editorials do not require Abstract.

Third page/Resumo: The third page will include again the title, this time in Portuguese, followed by a structured abstract in Portuguese not exceeding 200 words and up to six keywords suitable for use in MeSH and DeCS indexes.

Fourth page on: From page four of the body of the manuscript it must appear according to the specific sections of each type of article. After the Reference section, attachments must appear separately in a new page according to the following order: footnotes, tables and figures. Images or photographs must be indicated as figures.

Further information about the Article types/sections, the Style guidelines, the Presentation of results and References should be consulted at

  • Submission of manuscripts

Articles may only be submitted electronically through journal Motricidade’s OJS (Open Journal Systems) platform, accessible from New users must previously register.

After verifying that the manuscript was correctly submitted, the corresponding author must send, within 24 hours, an e-mail to the editor-in-chief ( indicating in subject the ID attributed to the manuscript by the OJS platform. The e-mail must include the following mandatory attachments: (i) letter of presentation/submission; (ii) detailed announcement of authorship/contribution; (iii) statement of transfer of copyright; (iv) statement of the ethical committee. For this end, the authors may download the document available here.

The editors will acknowledge the correct uploading of the manuscript and supplementary documents and will provide guidance on how to proceed. Guidance may involve the need to reviewing guidelines or the formatting of the manuscript or may just inform on the transfer of the manuscript to the referees. Failing to send the e-mail containing the mandatory attachments leads to the rejection of the manuscript.

Peer reviewing is carried out according to a blind-review process, in order to guarantee exemption and impartiality.As such, authors are responsible for ensuring that the document submitted as manuscript does not contain information or properties of the document that allow its identification. Authors may suggest two possible reviewers, indicating their full name, current e-mail address and a explanation for the choices. In the same way, authors may indicate some reviewer that, for many varied reasons, they do not intend having participating in the review of the manuscript.

Journal Motricidade follows a process of reviewing that has two main moments.

At first the manuscript will be checked by the editors in terms of its originality, relevance, clarity, methodological adequacy and conformity to the periodical's guidelines. Articles that do not strictly obey APA's rules of citation and bibliographic referencing will be returned to the authors without having initiated the process of peer reviewing. When the manuscript is returned to the editors even though it still disregards APA's guidelines, the manuscript will be definitely rejected.

Manuscripts that conform to journal Motricidade's politics and follow the rules will subsequently be sent to reviewers with professional competence in the scientific area in question and will be asked that a critical and corroborated review is made according to: (i) original/novel contribution to the scientific area; (ii) methodological adequacy; (iii) continuity between objectives and results/conclusion; (iv) implications for professional practice; and (v) clearness and relevance of the topic studied. The presence of denotative disagreement between referees will require a third evaluation from another reviewer.

Finished the reviewing process, the corresponding author will be informed on the reviewers' evaluations and preliminary editorial decision. When suggestions are made in order to perform modifications in the manuscript, the authors will have one month to return the corrected manuscript taking into account the limitations and suggestions pointed out by the referees. In this way, authors must subsequently submit two documents through the OJS platform: (i) one revised version of the article containing the changes made highlighted in a different color; and (ii) a supplementary document containing specifically all of the changes, revisions or answers to all the reviewers' suggested changes. Such documents will be reappreciated by the editors and by the original referees and new alterations may be proposed, the manuscript may be rejected or published.

Final decision on the publication is reserved to the editors and communicated to the corresponding author.



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2014 © Desafio Singular - Unipessoal, Lda
Revista Motricidade
Rua Camilo Castelo Branco
4870-157 Ribeira de Pena